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현진호 교수

Hyun, Jin-Ho

연구실200동 5221호
연구분야나노 바이오 소재 개발 / 나노단위 바이오칩 개발 / 스마트 바이오소재 연구


서울대학교 학사


서울대학교 석사


North Carolina State University 박사 재료공학)



대우 고등기술연구원 연구원


North Carolina State University 연구조교


Duke University 의용공학과 연구교수


Center for Biologically Inspired Materials and Material Systems 겸임연구원


서울대학교 생물자원공학부 조교수


서울대학교 농생명과학연구원 겸임연구원


서울대학교 바이오시스템·소재학부 부교수


서울대학교 바이오시스템·소재학부 바이오소재공학전공 교수

서울대학교 농림생물자원학부  바이오소재공학전공 교수


서울대학교 농생명과학공동기기원 (NICEM) 원장


S.M. Seo, J.W. Lee, J. Shin, J.H. Tak, J. Hyun, I.K Park, Development of cellulose nanocrystal-stabilized Pickering emulsions of massoia and nutmeg essential oils for the control of Aedes albopictus. Scientific Reports, 2021, 11, 12038.


S. Shin, J. Hyun, Rheological properties of cellulose nanofiber hydrogel for high-fidelity 3D printing. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021, 263, 117976.


S.M. Seo, J. Shin, J.W. Lee, J. Hyun, I.K. Park. Larvicidal activities of Piper kadsura (Choisy) Ohwi extract and its constituents against Aedes albopictus, toxicity to non-target organisms and development of cellulose nanocrystal-stabilized Pickering emulsion. Industrial Crops & Products, 2021, 162, 113270.


H. Kwak, S. Shin, J. Kim, J. Kim, D. Lee, H. Lee, E.J. Lee, J. Hyun, Protective coating of strawberries with cellulose nanofibers. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021, 258, 117688.


D. Shin, J. Hyun, Silk fibroin microneedles fabricated by digital light processing 3D printing. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2021, 95, 126-133.


H. Lee, S. Kim, S. Shin, J. Hyun, 3D structure of lightweight, conductive cellulose nanofiber foam. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021, 253, 117238.


J. Shin, S.M. Seo, I.K. Park, J. Hyun, Larvicidal composite alginate hydrogel combined with a Pickering emulsion of essential oil. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021, 254, 117381.


H. Kim, KH Ryu, D. Baek, T. A. Khan, HJ Kim, S. Shin, J. Hyun, J.S. Ahn, S.J. Ahn, H.J. Kim, J. Koo, 3D printing of polyehtylene terephthate glycol-sepiolite composite with nanoscale orientation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 23453-23463.


H. Lee, D. Shin, S. Shin, J. Hyun, Effect of gelation on dimensional stability of silk fibroin hydrogel structures fabricated by digital light processing 3D printing. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2020, 89, 119-127.


H. Kwak, S. Shin, J. Hyun, Colorimetric assay of tyrosinase inhibition using melanocyte laden hydrogel fabricated by digital light processing printing, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2020, 84, 252-259.


J. Shin, K. Na, S. Shin, S.M. Seo, H.J. Youn, I.K. Park, J. Hyun, Biological acitivity of thyme white essential oil stabilized by cellulose nanocrystals, Biomolecules, 2019, 9.12, 799.


S. Shin, H. Kwak, J. Hyun, Transparent cellulose nanofiber based open cell culture platform using matrix-assisted 3D printing, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2019, 225, 115235.


D.Y. Park, J. Cheng, J.B. Park, S. Shin, S.H. Lee, B.H. Hong, S.H. Kim, J. Hyun, C. Yang, pH-triggered silk fibroin/alginate structures fabricated in aqueous two-phase system, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2019, 5, 5897-5905.


S. Shin, H. Kwak, D. Shin, J. Hyun, Solid matrix-assisted printing for three-dimensional structuring of a viscoelastic medium surface, Nature Communications, 2019, 10, 4650.


H. Kwak, S. Shin, H. Lee, J. Hyun, Formation of a keratin layer with silk fibroin-polyethylene glycol composite hydrogel fabricated by digital light processing 3D printing. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2019, 72, 232-240.


E. Jeong, S. Shin, H.J. Youn, J. Hyun, Reinforcement of artificially aged paper using electrospun Poly(vinyl alcohol)/cellulose triacetate fibers. Journal of Korea TAPPI, 2018, 50, 5-11.


K. Na, S. Shin, H. Lee, D. Shin, J. Baek, H. Kwak, M. Park, J. Shin, J. Hyun, Effect of solution viscosity on retardation of cell sedimentation in DLP 3D printing of gelatin methacrylate/silk fibroin bioink. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2018, 61, 340-347.