대학원 교과과정
교과목번호 | 교과목명 | 학점-이론-실습 | 담당교수 | 5262.561 | 단백질화학(Protein Chemistry) | 3-3-0 | 이기훈 |
5262.563 | 고분자특강(Topics in Polymer Chemistry) | 3-3-0 | 현진호 |
5262.568A | 고분자복합재료(Polymer Composite Materials) | 3-3-0 | 신성철 |
5262.575 | 셀룰로오스화학(Cellulose Chemistry) | 3-3-0 | 현진호 |
5262.576A | 생물화학특강(Topics in Biological Chemistry) | 3-3-0 | 김태일 |
5262.577 | 천연고분자신소재(Advanced Materials Based on Natural Polymers) | 3-3-0 | 이기훈 |
5262.578 | 생체고분자특강(Topics in Biopolymer Materials) | 3-3-0 | 김태일 |
5262.579 | 나노바이오표면학특강(Topics in Nano and Biosurface) | 3-3-0 | 현진호 |
5262.582 | 의용바이오소재(Biomaterials for Medical Applications) | 3-3-0 | 김태일 |
5262.583 | 생체모방소재특강(Topics in Biomimetic Materials) | 3-3-0 | 이기훈 |
5262.584 | 바이오소재공학세미나1(Seminar in Biomaterials Engineering1) | 1-0-2 | |
5262.585 | 바이오소재공학세미나2(Seminar in Biomaterials Engineering2) | 1-0-2 | |
5262.588 | 바이오소재공학최신과제(Current Topics in Biomaterials Engineering) | 2-0-4 | |
5262.589 | 콜로이드 및 표면화학(Colloid &surface chemistry) | 3-3-0 | 현진호 |
5262.591 | 고분자레올로지(Polymer rheology) | 3-3-0 | 신성철 |
5262.803 | 대학원논문연구(Dissertation Research) | 3-3-0 | |
M1705.000100 | 하이드로젤기반생체재료(Hydrogel-based Biomaterials) | 3-3-0 | 기창석 |
M1705.000200 | 조직공학용생체재료(Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering) | 3-3-0 | 기창석 |
M1705.000300 | 생체재료화학특강(Topics in Biomaterials Chemistry) | 3-3-0 | 김태일 |
M1705.000400 | 농생명나노과학기술 개론(Introduction to Nanotechnology for Agriculture and Life Sciences) | 3-3-0 | 곽선영 |
M1705.00500 | 펩타이드 화학 및 응용 개론(Introduction to peptide chemistry and application) | 3-3-0 | 곽선영 |
M3282.803 | 생물소재시험분석특론(Topics in Biomaterial Characaterization and Analysis) | 3-2-2 | 기창석 |
M3288.000100 | 단백질재료공학특강(Topics in Protein Materials Engineering) | 3-3-0 | 이기훈 |